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[추천][EBook] theMagPi 잡지

꾸벅 꾸벅 졸면서 몇 권을 훑어봤는데 괜찮네요.^^

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예를들어, 첫번째 잡지인 May 2012를 보면....



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사이트 : http://www.themagpi.com/


What is The MagPi?

We produce a magazine with the intent to help and offer advice to users of the Raspberry Pi. Our content covers articles on a variety of Raspberry Pi related themes including coding, robotics, home automation, electronics, and practical techniques to name a few.

The team behind the magazine is diverse, with editors and contributors from all over the world, from all age groups and all professions; from educationalists to medicine, technologists to students. To reflect the global interest in The MagPi magazine, it has been translated into Chinese, French, German, Spanish.

We are thankful for all the support given to us by both the Raspberry Pi Foundation and all our readers.

Readers are encouraged to send us their projects, and if applicable we will upload them to the draft of the issue. Readers get an early glimpse of the next magazine and they can provide suggestions to correct or clarify what is written and any tips or tricks which may be of benefit.

You can check out our draft for issue 14 here.



