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[제품] 저렴한 아두이노용 16채널 서보 제어 보드 - $2.09 - 16 Channel Robot Servo Control Board for Arduino

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$2.09 - http://s.click.aliexpress.com/e/MF2buJe

Free Shipping 16 Channel Robot Servo Control Board for Arduino

This is an i2c-controlled PWM drive and a built-in clock.

This means that it will and TLC5940 series are very different. 

You do not need to constantly send signals occupy your microcontroller

It is 5V compatible, which means you can also use 3.3V MCU control and safely drive to 6V output

(when you want to control white or blue LEDs with 3.4+ positive voltage is also possible)

Address select pins so you can put 62 driver board hanging on a single i2c bus, a total of 992 PWM outputs. 

That would be a very large resource.

About 1.6Khz Adjustable Frequency PWM output 

Ready to output 12 resolution of the stepper motor, which means that at 60Hz refresh rate can reach 4us resolution 

Configurable output push-pull output or open 

Output Enable pin to quickly disable all output 

Central PCA9685 chips are wrapped in small plates 

Power input terminals 

Green power indicator 

Facilitate you in four groups in a 3-pin connector insert 16 servo motors (servo plug slightly wider than 0.1 ", so you can put four pairs of 0.1" connector) 

Reverse polarity protected wiring board input 

Cascade Design 

V + line to place a large capacitor (in some cases you will need) 

All PWM output lines have put a 220 ohm series resistor to protect them, and can easily drive the LED.