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[EBook][Linux] Free Linux Utilities Cookbook - $26.99 (100% discount) - 한정기간 무료

키워드 : 무료 도서, 도서, Ebook, Linux, 리눅스 유틸, 쿡북

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Linux Utilities Cookbook is everything you need to know about Linux but were afraid to ask. This ebook will make you a master of the command line and teach you how to configure the network, write shell scripts, build a custom kernel, and much more — 0ver 70 recipes to help you accomplish a wide variety of tasks in Linux quickly and efficiently. Get it now!

Limited time offer, while supplies last!


혹시나 싶어서 무료로 구매한 서적의 목차를 붙여 놓으니 필요하신 분들은 참고하시기 바랍니다.


Table of Contents

Preface 1

Chapter 1: Using the Terminal / Command Line 5

Introduction 5

Command retrieval and line editing 6

Using history 7

Filename auto-completion 8

The shell prompt 9

Other environment variables 10

Using aliases 12

The .bashrc file 14

Dealing with blanks and special characters in filenames 15

Understanding the $? variable 16

Redirection and piping 17

Sending output from one terminal to another 18

Using the Screen program 19

Chapter 2: The Desktop 21

Introduction 21

GNOME 2 21

KDE desktop 24

xfce 27


Unity 31

Mate 33

Chapter 3: Files and Directories 37

Introduction 37

Copying, removing, and updating files and directories 39

Finding files using find and locate 41

Creating text files – vim, Emacs, and others 42


Table of Contents

Using the file command 45

Using grep to find patterns 47

Compressing files using ZIP and TAR 48

Other helpful commands such as stat, sum, touch, and more 52

Chapter 4: Networking and the Internet 55

Introduction 55

Troubleshooting bad connections 56

Copying files to another machine – FTP and SCP 59

Logging into another machine – Telnet and Secure Shell 62

Getting a web page without a browser – wget 64

Browsing the web – Firefox 64

E-mail – Using a web mail program 67

Running your own web server – httpd 69

What is using that port? The /etc/services file 70

IPv4 versus IPv6 72

Chapter 5: Permissions, Access, and Security 75

Introduction 75

Creating and managing user accounts – useradd 75

Working with passwords 78

Working with file permissions 79

Working with the firewalls and router settings 81

Working with Secure Linux – SELinux 82

Using sudo to secure a system 84

The /tmp directory 87

Chapter 6: Processes 89

Introduction 89

Understanding processes 89

Examining processes with ps 92

Examining processes using top 94

Changing priorities with nice 99

Observing a process using the /proc filesystem 101

Chapter 7: Disks and Partitioning 107

Introduction 107

Using fdisk 111

Using mkfs to format a drive 114

Using fsck to check the filesystem 115

Logical Volume Management (LVM) 117


Table of Contents

Chapter 8: Working with Scripts 123

Introduction 123

Removing text from a file 124

Using script parameters 126

Coding a loop in a script 127

Backing up your system 130

Locking a file for only one use at a time 132

Getting introduced to Perl 133

Chapter 9: Automating Tasks Using Cron 141

Introduction 141

Creating and running a crontab file 143

Running a command every other week 144

Reporting the errors from a crontab file 147

Chapter 10: The Kernel 149

Introduction 149

A brief look at module commands 150

Building a kernel from kernel.org 156

Using xconfig to modify the configuration 158

Working with GRUB 161

Understanding GRUB 2 163

Appendix A 167

Appendix B 183

Index 199