[추천] DVD-ROM과 아두이노로 만드는 미니 CNC 플로터
지금보니 위 글을 쓰고 나서 수정된 자료가 올라왔었네요...
출처 : https://youtu.be/E3vuzb_KL5c
Arduino mini CNC plotter from CD/DVD Drives (FHD)
위 영상의 세부 조립 방법은 아래 블로그에 있습니다.
출처 : https://youtu.be/2VFOU-WUQIY
How to Make a CNC machine at home
DIY learn how to make a CNC machine at your home very easily under 10$
component i used
1. 2x old PC DVD Writer
2. Arduino nano
3. Small servo motor
4. L293D
5. Zero PCB
download the circuits and codes follow the link below
Thanks for watching my video!
In the next video i will show you how to create gcode and execute by this machine...please stay tuned video will be uploaded soon !!!
Latin Industries Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License
출처 : https://youtu.be/IGiqQKp9M1I