[버섯][Arduino] 아두이노 IDE 1.6.5 R2 버전이 릴리즈 되었네요.
안녕하세요 버섯돌이 유재성입니다.
얼마 전까지도 강좌 쓰려고 새롭게 다운로드한 버전이 1.6.4 버전이었는데..
오늘 보니 1.6.5 버전이 새롭게 릴리즈 되었군요.^^;;;
개인적으로 아두이노 IDE 환경에서는 한글 문제가 있어서 꺼려지네요.ㅜㅜ;;
초창기의 이클립스나 맥에서 이클립스 쓰거나 할 때 조합이 완료되지 않은 마지막 한글이 삭제되는 추억을 경험하는 듯 한...
모쪼록 아두이노 IDE도 많이 많이 발전하면 좋을 것 같습니다.
아래는 이번에 새롭게 배포된 1.6.5 버전의 세부 수정 내역입니다.
참고로, 1.6.5 버전부터 RSyntaxTextArea 기반으로 바뀌면서 한글 처리가 상당히 좋아졌습니다.
IDE 상에서의 한글 입력은 불편함이 없지만 시리얼 모니터에서의 한글 출력은 별도의 패치를 하지 않는 이상 깨져서 출력됩니다.
ARDUINO 1.6.5-r2 - 2015.06.17
* Windows: fixed a problem that prevented opening the IDE when double clicking a .ino file
ARDUINO 1.6.5 - 2015.06.15
* File, Sketch and Tools menu items are properly handled when switching between different windows
* Sketch > Export compiled Binary: saves the compiled binary (hex, bin) into the sketch folder. Thanks @championswimmer
* New editor, based on RSyntaxTextArea. Thanks @ricardojlrufino
* New keywords. Thanks @Chris--A
* Easier "additional boards manager url" field: a wide text area opens by clicking the added button (right side of the text field)
* Rewritten code of Preferences window: its content is now correctly drawn on every OS
* Fixed a bug that made the IDE notify users of invalid libraries too many times. Thanks @Chris--A
* Removed JNA. Less native stuff and less chances of incurring into an UnsatisfiedLinkError
* Many new and old issues closed. Thanks to many, and @Chris--A in particular
* Faster libraries list update
* Serial monitor stays opened during upload, disabled. Thanks @avishorp and @Wackerbarth
* CLI: --get-pref can now be called without a pref name. If pref name is missing, IDE dumps all preferences
* Holding SHIFT when hovering the save icon will trigger a "Save As"
* Removed proxy settings from File > Preferences: IDE will use system settings
* Linux versions bundle the latest JVM, 1.8.0_45
* Local docs: if your sketch has a "docs" folder, you can add local links to it. For example file://./docs/index.html
will use your browser to open file index.html from the "docs" folder of your sketch
* When using "external editor" mode, sketch code is updated when the IDE gets focused
* Added keyboard shortcuts to IDE menus: ALT+F for File, ALT+E for Edit and so on
* Added support for Dangerous Prototypes Bus Pirate as ISP
* Added "Close" button to Boards/Libs Managers, in order to help linux people with weird Window Managers
* Added File > Open Recent menu, showing the last 5 opened sketches
* Windows: added Arduino Zero drivers
* Tons of minor fixes
* LiquidCrystal fixes. Thanks @newbie15
* Added SPI Transactions to TFT lib
* Stepper: support for 5-phase/5-wires motors. Thanks @rdodesigns
* Stepper: increased precision in timing calculations. Thanks @ekozlenko
* Firmata and Temboo: dropped our vesions, tagged released are downloaded from their respective git repos
* AVR: delayMicroseconds(..) doesn't hang if called with 0. Thanks @cano64
* AVR: delayMicroseconds(..), added support for 1Mhz, 12Mhz and 24Mhz. Thanks @cano64
* AVR: added missing case in detachInterrupt(). Thanks @leres, @vicatcu
* SAM: added watchdog routine for Due. Thanks @bobc
* AVR+SAM: reworked pulseIn() function to become GCC agnostic
* AVR+SAM: added pulseInLong() (based on micros()) to help getting good results in interrupt-prone environments
* AVR: fixed regression in HardwareSerial.flush(). Thanks @chromhelm